IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal huh? what is i2pd family?
orignal it's just P256 key in PEM format
orignal dr|z3d what are you talking about?
orignal I use openssl
orignal through libcypto in the code and standalone openssl for family
dr|z3d bit late to the party, orignal, hi! we were talking about importing an i2pd family key into i2p.
orignal but it's not i2pd's
orignal it's just openssl's P256 keys
orignal openssl created P256 for me then I produce x.509 certificate
dr|z3d it's i2pd's in the sense that it's what i2pd uses, which currently can't be imported directly into i2p. some hoops to jump through to do the i2p import.
orignal zzz will cope
orignal and what's wrong with it?
dr|z3d oh, sure he'll cope, he already has a workaround: zzz.i2p/topics/3313
orignal and, more important, why ECDSA destinations work?
orignal e.g .dat files are compatible between Java and i2pd
dr|z3d check the post.
orignal need to start i2p
orignal I read it using SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
orignal eyedeekay also host= is required for server tunnels
orignal like host=
dr|z3d if we can get seamless interoperability between i2pd and i2p for family keys, great. if not, no big shakes I guess.
orignal see the problem
orignal i2pd's family certificate is not i2pd thing
orignal I have found instructions how to create a certificate with P256
orignal that's all
orignal hence it's not mine
orignal if you tell me how should I create it properly using openssl just tell me
eyedeekay ack on the host section in the blog, orignal I'll add it today
dr|z3d orignal: zzz may have some ideas about how to standardize.
zzz dr|z3d, I'm not looking for more things to do and I doubt i2pd is either. It's fine
dr|z3d ok, zzz, as you were :)
zlatinb I won't get around to doing the interop testing this release. I've already signed the i2pd release files anyway so it's too late. Sorry
zzz np. didn't know you were signing their files, that's nice. If you get a chance to review the diff today that would be great
R4SAS we tried that in previous release, so that is only second time ;)
zzz sweet. Now time to start reviewing our 24397 lines of diff (((
zlatinb lol @ BOB ascii art
zzz yeah what a nutcase
zlatinb re signing: someone will need to de-anon if ppl want signed executables when I'm gone
zzz yup
zzz good riddance to the WTFPL too
zlatinb re apps/i2psnark/java/src/org/klomp/snark/ - you printing to System.out? Not System.err?
zzz that's only for snark standalone, I got some comments that users wanted more feedback
zzz after starting from command line
R4SAS zzz can you add browser disabling example for windows?
R4SAS with NUL value
zzz routerconsole.browser=NUL ?
zzz actually I don't think that will work
R4SAS it works
zzz hmph