IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz fired up the testnet, and performance is really really bad, so I'll be looking to see what broke
zlatinb you didn't revert bandwidth limits by any chance?
zzz no, first thing I checked
zzz found it, just broke it this morning, but will definitely do testnet more often
zlatinb regarding the interop testing before next release, I think I'll stick to ssu1 and ntcp2
zlatinb unless the decision is to enable ssu2 by default
zzz definitely not default in next release
zlatinb that's a good one, removes the need for JNA
zzz Testnet 0-hop eepget over SSU2, 25 ms latency one-way
zzz Drop % KBytes/sec
zzz ------ ----------
zzz 0 1407
zzz 0.1 638
zzz 0.2 383
zzz 0.5 283
zzz 1 146
zzz 2 95
zzz 5 34
zlatinb I've never tested drops above 1 but the speeds up to that level are reasonable
zzz sure, drops above 1% with 3 hops would be hopeless
zzz since there's eepget on top of it, it's not really a test of "native" transport-layer throughput
zzz I'm going to do a quick test of SSU 1 with the same setup
zlatinb looking at that last commit, it's a risky business not doing a full equals() after a hashcode collision
zlatinb and since you're not putting the hc in any collection why not just use long?
zzz sure, might be bad idea
zzz it's a hashcode of a 4-byte long, a byte, and an (optional) byte array or null
zlatinb but are you using hc in a way that requires it to be an int?
zlatinb intellij says no :)
zzz Testnet 0-hop eepget over SSU1, 25 ms latency one-way
zzz Drop % KBytes/sec
zzz ------ ----------
zzz 0 2444
zzz 0.1 943
zzz 0.2 743
zzz 0.5 485
zzz 1 451
zzz 2 214
zzz 5 105
zlatinb that's a bit unexpected
zzz not really when you think about it
zzz haven't shaken out all the ack issues, nacks processing, fast retx, etc
zzz the way it all interacts with the last couple years of SSU 1 changes is a bit fuzzy
zzz I also think we need an immediate-ack-request flag, and maybe an ECN flag, we don't have either now
zlatinb well, all that stuff was in the NORM specs :)
zzz baby steps
zzz but the plan is to fix up and optimize the interactions between the SSU2 ack handling and the SSU1 congestion control
zzz right now it's a little ad-hoc and in particular nacks aren't handled at all
zzz and I thionk there's some stuff with how individual fragments are acked vs. the whole i2np msg
zzz but simply an immediate-ack flag, or the receiver figuring out the send window is probably full and should ack immediately, would be a quick fix
zzz need to go back and read the QUIC window stuff again, it seemed really bad last time I looked, but worth another pass
zzz what you don't see from speed numbers is how much more efficient SSU 2 is
zzz and do we even have an explicit goal to improve the speed over SSU 1?
zlatinb improve no, but there shouldn't be deterioration
zlatinb if SSU2 is more efficient, it should score higher on a zero-delay test
zlatinb on my testnet the zero-delay is CPU-bound
zzz I mean efficiency as in overhead/payload ratio
zzz not cpu. and I didn't do any 0-delay tests
zzz agreed, shouldn't be deterioration, I'll add a goal if there isn't one