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eyedeekay OK I can officially with a minimum level of confidence say that https will no longer be one possible source of websocket issues on gitlab
eyedeekay As long as you git.idk.i2p from now on
eyedeekay And it's running a 1c4d4254206f9696623daf570eb8127cfef25cc3 dev build
dr|z3d looks good, eche|off
dr|z3d *eyedeekay
dr|z3d seems to function fine on
eyedeekay Yeah and we're down at least a couple errors and(I'm slightly embarassed to say) about 230 lines of nginx config
dr|z3d that's um, heavy.
eyedeekay Yeah lol that's why I'm doing this at 3 in the morning, didn't want people trying to use it while I was trying to get the config right, I broke it about 10 times in the past 10 hours
Opicaak What was the initial issue? Why was it necessary to add TLS?
eyedeekay Because the clearnet side of git.idk.i2p uses HTTPS, gitlab expects everything to be using HTTPS. So when it tries to set up websockets on the HTTP-only git.idk.i2p side, it tries to set them up with wss, but over an HTTP connection. Browser says "this is bad and you should feel bad for trying it."
Opicaak Oh, I see. Wouldn't it be possible to have one nginx terminate i2p and then communicate with another nginx with TLS to gitlab?
Opicaak nginx <- TLS -> nginx
eyedeekay It might be possible but I couldn't find a way to accommodate both strict HTTPS on the clearnet side and working websockets on the I2P side without also doing HTTPS on the I2P side
Opicaak Hmm, I don't think it would work actually, it would still require potentially URL rewriting for the websocket URL, and I'm not sure if that would even work.
eyedeekay Yeah not sure those can be rewritten and I'm pretty sure nginx can't regardless because I was definitely attempting that in that 230 lines I deleted today
eyedeekay The clear path was the HTTPS path
dr|z3d nginx + lua, possibly.
eyedeekay Oh speaking of nginx + lua somebody was talking about using a lua SAM lib to automatically set up tunnels for nginx servers, think it was robin
eyedeekay Anyhow, since anybody who didn't know my TZ before does now, I'll be back in a few hours
Opicaak West US?
eyedeekay Other side
Opicaak Jesus, I forgot you said you it's 3am for you, haha!
Opicaak That's actually great for Europeans, better than west.
Opicaak One more remark, you could do automatic redirect in nginx from http to https.
Opicaak For the i2p side.
zzz ping eyedeekay
eyedeekay Pong zzz
zzz nice late night work
zzz websockets work
zzz however
zzz the one problem that kicked this all off - commenting on issues - still fails
zzz a little differently now
zzz POST notes?xxxxx hangs for one minute and returns 504 Gateway Timeout from nginx
zzz as I reported a while back, it was also verrrry slow on clearnet but eventually worked. did not retest
eyedeekay My hope was to eliminate one source of errors so it gets easier to track down, that sounds a little clearer, I'll get back on it today
zzz right
eyedeekay Less noticable restarts so I can do it during the daytime
zzz nginx is doing you a favor to respond to http over the https socket with an error. as somebody suggested, if you route port 80 to a different server or port you can do a simple custom message and redirect
zzz or maybe configure nginx to do something different
eyedeekay Thanks, I'll figure it out today
zzz might be easiest to spin up a 2nd server, nginx or jetty or whatever, to serve the http error page for all requests
zzz eyedeekay, what's your thinking on tag freeze? how about today?
eyedeekay I was going to do tomorrow according to forum but I don't think the metric thing will be ready so may as well be today
zzz metric doesn't have a tagged string atm, so doesn't matter really
zzz what deadline shall I give the translators? Fri. 15th? Say, 6 PM UTC?
eyedeekay Yes that's perfect thanks
zzz ok you have any tag changes to check in or can we declare tags frozen as of now?
eyedeekay Frozen as of now
zzz super
zzz please turn your attention to the one-week-before-deadline part of the checklist, after you're done fighting with gitlab :)
zzz oh and I'm going to bump after I checkin the new strings, ok?
eyedeekay Yeah go for it
eyedeekay Will do
zzz strings pushed to tx, announcement is up there
eyedeekay Thanks zzz
zzz np, thats the easy part
orignal gents, are there reseeds updates for the release?
eyedeekay Opicaak's 2 reseeds got added to Java
zzz i think you already have them, so i didn't send you an email
orignal no more changes?
eyedeekay gitlab's about to get kind of bumpy to use for a few hours again
eyedeekay I2P side is working better so far though, I think...