IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz eyedeekay, re: SAM #399, do you have a stack trace from your reproduction?
dr|z3d eyedeekay: informal bug report, after the latest refactor patch, seeing list: cake.i2p/view/PxRuNEXpT4_RdJVOy1HxhiqQwznQXCUkX77HV2NEp_YOZYJdg2rT/PxRuNEXpT4.txt .. not sure if it's my side or yours where the issue lies.
dr|z3d *seeing this
dr|z3d attempts to drop a ls from transient storage. it's firing all the time.
eyedeekay Thanks dr|zed, fix will be in in literally minutes this time round
dr|z3d thanks eyedeekay. any ETA for a fix for the DSA proxy ls issue?
eyedeekay Something for review should be up tonight
dr|z3d ok, thanks. it might be worth thinking about some sort of sunset feature for those DSA leasesets, are they really still needed?
eyedeekay Not sure about that, job one is fixing the bug right now
eyedeekay This is the hardest one
zzz havent heard about that one, whats the problem dr|z3d ?
dr|z3d yeah, just throwing the idea out there, it's probably not worth actively thinking about until next release.
eyedeekay It's a side effect of the lifecycle issues and the overall what is a dbid problem
dr|z3d The problem is a mismatch between the expected leaseset and the actual LS in the netdb, zzz. something like that. For the end user, it results in "unsupported crypto" errors when trying to access a site/service.
zzz thanks, haven't seen that one
dr|z3d postman got hit by it hard, it nuked all his inbound traffic.
eyedeekay It happens when you're using dual keys and you get a subdb for one set of keys and a subdb for another and then you get a message from a client and it looks in the wrong subdb, it should go away when I make the dbid always the primary session, which comes with the lifecycle refactor
eyedeekay It's been giving my IRC bouncer hell
zzz anybody but me getting duplicates of all incoming external mail via postman?
zzz been happening for months
eyedeekay No that's new by me
zzz 2nd one half hour after the first, like clockwork
zzz thunderbird client, not a susimail issue
dr|z3d haven't seen that. we had an issue a while back where delete wasn't working properly in susimail, but that seems to no longer be the case.
dr|z3d gateway, that'll be eche|off's issue to look at.
zzz hmm
dr|z3d he's been almost as MIA as you for the last 6 months ;)
zzz we were hanging out in the hot tub
dr|z3d polishing those uzis, right? :)
zzz with the pink ski masks, Spring Breakers style
dr|z3d there's a meme in there somewhere.
zzz eyedeekay, if I wanted to rebuild and restart to get the Good Stuff is today a good day or should I wait?
dr|z3d you want to wait for the transient storage and LS bugs are fixed, zzz.
dr|z3d otherwise, you're just inviting errors into your console logs. :)
dr|z3d from what eyedeekay's saying, hopefully later today he'll have both of those issues licked.
eyedeekay One will be fixed on trunk, one will be in an MR
zzz oh those are recent? ok
eyedeekay One came with the TransientDataStore change
dr|z3d LS bug's been with us for a while, the transient one since yesterday, in master branch at least.
zzz yeah transientdatastore was just a handwave from me, probably harder to actually implement it :)
eyedeekay The other has been lurking in sub-netdb's for a while but didn't become visible until I hit the merge button
dr|z3d yeah, definitely no point building right now. when it's time for a LS to renew, websites become inaccesible, "Local router failure" in the http proxy errors, something I've not seen before today.
eyedeekay I haven't seen that yet? will keep an eye about though
eyedeekay That sounds extra bad
dr|z3d you fixed it :)
dr|z3d that was the transient datastore issue.
Opicaak dr|z3d, does i2p+ use .service file on Ubuntu?
dr|z3d # Where to install the systemd service
dr|z3d SYSTEMD_SERVICE="/etc/systemd/system/${APP_NAME}.service"
dr|z3d if grep -q systemd /proc/1/comm > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
dr|z3d USE_SYSTEMD=1
Opicaak Thanks
dr|z3d that's if you install with sudo i2prouter install
dr|z3d you'll need to edit i2prouter first and provide the name of the user you want to run the service as.
dr|z3d RUN_AS_USER={username} and NOT root.
dr|z3d zzz: no issues with Java21 I've noticed, been running for a while now: Debian 21-ea (OpenJDK Runtime Environment 21-ea+35-Debian-1)
dr|z3d > 10MinuteMail shared how they used GraalVM and Spring Boot 3 to reduce their startup time from ~30 s down to about 3 ms, and memory usage from 6.6 GB down to 1 GB, with the same throughput and CPU utilization.