IRCaBot 2.1.0
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RN I just rebuilt my and it looked like it pulled in new code, but it is still showing as -9
RN Were some changes made without bumping the version string? ◀━━ zzz
RN or am I doing it wrong?
dr|z3d version bumps don't happen with every commit.
RN ok. then I probably did it right. :)
RN it is the 'build number' string then I should pay attention to...
dr|z3d right after you start ant updater, look for something along the lines of: [echo] Building version 2.1.0-9+ (revision 2c744524)
RN s/build/revision/
RN gotcha
dr|z3d that revision will correlate with whatever your latest pull from git is.
dr|z3d you can git log to check any changes / commit revisions you have locally.
dr|z3d if you want to see a diff of the latest commit you have locally, aka "head", then git show HEAD~
RN I'm enjoying reading the git log
RN is that a full diff, or is it like the little graph showing lines changed that comes up after pulling?
RN hmmm.... I'm curious about the javadoc fix... commit 3636ec7cc66a6631314cccdb810af354545727b5
RN is there a way to see more info, or go to the git site?
dr|z3d the head diff is just a diff of the most recent commit.
RN I'm sure there's a way to get a diff for a specific commit but am still a novice with git
dr|z3d git show {revision}
RN if zzz just removed the tags I removed to fix building javadocs, then I won't need to push and pop anymroe
RN that;s too easy
RN ;)
dr|z3d or on gitlab, git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/commits/3636ec7cc66a6631314cccdb810af354545727b5 would give you the specific commit you referenced.
dr|z3d you don't need the full rev id either, just the first 8 chars is sufficient.
RN ah, ok. so that change just updated some info in the javadoc if I am reading it right
RN not the <h4> tags (or was it h5...)
dr|z3d git help {command} is also useful.
dr|z3d eg: git help show
dr|z3d you can always commit your changes locally, that will prevent stash and pop.
dr|z3d if you want to be certain you have a pristine copy of the repo, you can do all your local changes in a separate branch.
dr|z3d > git checkout -b local
dr|z3d where local is the name of your branch, and checkout -b clones the existing branch you're on, which you can see with git branch
dr|z3d to switch branches, git checkout {branchname}
RN yeah, I should poke around a bit with branching for the JD fix.
RN most of the time I don't build with jd anyway... makes it really big
dr|z3d you can build that separately as required.
RN exactly
RN I only plan to build with that on releases
RN and only use it on my local... my remotes get the non jd flavor from my eepsite
dr|z3d if you're rolling your own i2p+ updates, ant updater200Compact will give you the smallest update file.
RN not rolling plusses yet, just canon
RN but yeah, I should lobby a little to get zzz to bring back pack200
dr|z3d lobby all you like, the answer is no :) I've suggested. but maybe you'll have better luck.
dr|z3d 5MB updates aren't much larger than the updates of 10y ago.
RN heh, I remember when I first started using the nightly builds... it'd take a long time to fetch
RN that was before zzz's time (and yours)
RN don't remember if it was monotone from the start
RN fun times
RN thanks for the tutoring dr
RN and for the patience. :)
dr|z3d always a pleasure, RN :)
eche|off stickers arrived, yeah