IRCaBot 2.1.0
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primus_deus hey guys, am i harming network in any way by doing this
primus_deus i modified config file to make my router more active, boosted bandwith do max(can put my true bandwidth but i put as many "9" as i coud), share ratio to 99%
primus_deus i also set number of exploratory tunnels to 400 in 400 out,
primus_deus forced flodfill router
primus_deus and raised number of participating tunels, sometimes i have more than 800
primus_deus seems to help the network, in 3 days i had 400GB of IO traffic.
dr|z3d exploratory tunnels to 400?
dr|z3d if you're using java i2p/i2p+, maximum is 16 in/out, though that's overkill.
dr|z3d as for bandwidth, 90% share is fine, the 10% free helps with calculations.
dr|z3d also note that bandwidth usage is contingent on 3 things. 1) your router being stable (up and reachable by other routers, not firewalled). and 2) your router being trusted by other routers by being stable and around for a while (hard shutdowns will reduce the trust other routers place in you).
dr|z3d and 3) good bandwidth.
dr|z3d primus_deus: in short, no, you shouldn't be harming the network but too many exploratory tunnels will slow your router down.
primus_deus can you guys give me expected speeds in KBps for router IO, and also expected number of participating tunnels when router network status is : OK (not firewalled)
eche|off thats vary from 10 kbyte/sec to 6 MByte/sec
eche|off depending on current network state
zzz primus_deus, 400+400 expl. tunnels is hurting the network, not helping. the default is fine.
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