IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
SilicaRice hmm it would be nice to be able to distinguish "can't find peer" (i.e. couldn't find LeaseSet, or couldn't find peer's gateway) from "can't connect to peer" (i.e. can't connect to peer's gateway)?
SilicaRice guess I'll just have to "warm up" the tunnel a bit
zlatinb zzz: aand MR !62
zlatinb and here it is built on the M1 zab.i2p/libjbigi.jnilib
zlatinb so what do I do next? Just rename it according to ?? convention, stick it in jbigi.jar and it automatically works?
zzz <zzz> the test is to figure out what name NBI wants, then name it that and put it in installer/lib/jbigi, then build updaterWithJbigi, then see if it extracts it out of jbigi.jar into $I2P on restart
zzz <zzz> should be libjbigi-osx-armv8_64.jnilib based on how the linux one is named
zlatinb and that's that, jbigi problem solved
zzz so to review, there was no libjbigi.jnilib file in $I2P, you restarted with the update, and now there is, wrapper log reports the extraction, and it's the right file, and it's reported on /logs page
zlatinb no I didn't do the u0pdater path, just rebuilt the easy install bundle and it loaded fine. I'll do the updater test now
zzz should work the same. if $I2P is readonly (like for bundle), it will do the extract to /tmp every startup. On a standard install it will do the extract once to $I2P
zzz iirc
zzz on std. install wrapper log might give you some more info. either way the /logs page version info should be definitive
zlatinb well wrapper didn't work at all because of missing native lib, but runplain worked as expected
zzz oh yeah
zzz last q, is it possible or necessary to apple code sign the jnilib file like we did for the windows dlls? the current jnilibs aren't signed afaik, they were built by tuna 6 years ago
zzz I assume osx isn't complaining now
zlatinb yes but the scripts in i2p-jpackage-mac force-sign everything including the jre
zlatinb notarization requires same signer for all binaries
zzz so the jnilibs are signed on-the-fly for the bundle?
zzz ok so that leaves the standard install. is there any benefit to signing the new one or the old ones before checking them in?
zzz or any risk in doing so?
zlatinb atm I don't think so, ofc with apple you never know
zlatinb although what's more likely is they will forbid non-notarized code completely
zlatinb also we don't offer standard install for download anymore on /download/mac
zzz ok, didn't know the std. install went away
zlatinb what was the command to run the benchmarks?
zzz java -jar i2p.jar will give you a list
zzz nativebiginteger was one, keygenerator too
zzz anyway, agreed there's no reason to sign the jnilib before checkin
zlatinb yeah the bundle has to have all binaries signed by whoever is notarizing
zzz glad the NBI extraction just worked and we didn't have to mess with it
zzz when you check it in please include info on the build environment and any benchmark results of interest
zlatinb too late lol
zlatinb the benchmarks are in line with what we saw on the rPi - ~40% faster modpow
zlatinb one remaining problem is with updates - anyone who installed the intel bundle is stuck with it unless they manually change the news urls
zzz you're free to write a news entry for your users with instructions, or the instructions could be just uninstall/reinstall
zlatinb they would need to nuke router.config before re-installing, not simple
zlatinb I'll probably add instructions on /download/mac for that special case
zzz so an arm bundle gives two speed boosts, it's not emulated, plus jbigi
zlatinb well the intel bundle had jbigi too but yes
zzz guess we don't know if emulated jbigi was a benefit or not
zlatinb hard to say unl]ess we buildin benchmarks to the console
zzz oh yeah, you said you can't just java -jar ... to test
zlatinb yeah rosetta requires a full] app bundle.. then does some jit and aot together
zzz ok so you're going to propose this tomorrow as a new official product?
zlatinb yes I can't think of any showstoppers at this time
zzz just gotta work on the news feed, and find a couple testers
zlatinb the changes to i2p.newsxml should be straight-forward
zlatinb testers may be a bit harder because I don't want to do notarization unless I absolutely have to
zlatinb so any tester would have to be able to use curl/wget
zzz looks like next JRE fixes are in two weeks, probably want to wait for that
zlatinb actually that's another thing for the meeting - I expect to be away from my main station until end of July
zlatinb if there is a super urgent jre fix someone else will have to build it
zzz speaking of bundles, eyedeekay what's the status of the windows one graduating out of beta? last discussed at the meeting 3 months ago:
zzz (04:07:35 PM) zzz: great. you have a target date for when you will propose transition out of beta?
zzz (04:08:02 PM) eyedeekay: As soon as users receive an automatic update I will consider it ready
zzz zlatinb, I'd propose that it go up on the mac page as beta, and you put an entry in the news feed that you want people to report test results
zlatinb Let me post on reddit and maybe in few days
zzz and that will hopefully let us take it out of beta fairly quickly
zlatinb I'm reluctant to notarize it unless I absolutely have to
zlatinb notarization is always a pain
zzz let's wait until after the meeting and maybe after 18.0.2
zzz or maybe even after the 1.9.0 release, if it's that much of a pain
zlatinb its just that the notary keeps state for every attempt and I have to be careful what I submit
RiceSilica would be useful for selecting whether to use 0-hop (for ultra-low-latency connections)
zzz RiceSilica, router status stuff not really appropriate for SAM, we have i2pcontrol API for that
RiceSilica at least on the server side. the client can happy eyeballs it.
RiceSilica (besides, if the server is v6-only and the client is v4-only, a 1-hop client tunnel would still be required, even if both sides were respectively "OK")
RiceSilica i2pcontrol reports this stuff?
zzz yes
RiceSilica it only reports it globally, not ipv4 vs ipv6
RiceSilica yeah that would be an issue
RiceSilica how does i2p handle the IPv4/IPv6 split? does it just prefer dual-stack tunnel participants or...?
RiceSilica also, proposal: when using SAM, allow setting TCP_NODELAY, perhaps through the currently-unused i2p.streaming.profile option?
RiceSilica that's TCP_NODELAY between the SAM bridge and the SAM client/server, rather than anything on the I2P side
RiceSilica (but maybe another option name would be better for that)
RiceSilica (or just set it by default because it's a local connection anyway)
eyedeekay zzz we have automatic updates, there were a few bugs in how it handled external I2P installed which needed to be fixed in 1.7.5-1.8.0, 1.9.0 is IMO ready to start moving out of beta
eyedeekay *will be
eyedeekay 1.8.0 probably was ready, but I didn't change it because of the issues when using an external, non-Jpackaged I2P in the 1.7.x series
eyedeekay I had also considered changing the extension loadout before changing out of beta, but I'm going with the cautious assumption and keeping the extensions TBB-like