IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz eyedeekay, bundle status?
zlatinb both bundles are live on the site and Mac is half-live for in-net updates
zzz the in-net update piece is the key. If that's not done yet, why?
zlatinb it may be half-done too, just not on postman
zlatinb afaik for full in-net liveness we need an article for the main feed and then hand over to echelon
zzz seems like we got 99% done and stopped?
zlatinb It was 420 day after all :)
eyedeekay Mac and Windows bundles are in the newsfeed with entries and on the website
eyedeekay Feeds should be ready for echelon AFAIK
zzz which is it?
zzz in both yours and eche's newsfeed or not?
zzz and I don't see 1.7.4 windows torrent either
eyedeekay Mine only
eyedeekay I'll ping him and ask him to update
zzz so what's the holdup or ETA?
zzz seems like the process died right before the finish line? how can we do better next time?
eyedeekay Same-day ping about the handoff I think, not too much I can do to update ech's feed except sign it myself and replace it with mine other than ask him to build it
zzz and is your torrent alive? I don't see it
eyedeekay Looks like I generated the torrent from the wrong file and that's why it didn't make it into the feed, so improvement would be to make that script complain if it's being run in the wrong directory
eyedeekay Re-did it, now it's checked into newsxml, couple minutes it will be live on my feed
eyedeekay ended up in ~/i2p.newsxml instead of ~/Workspace/git/i2p.newsxml locally so it didn't get checked in with everything else
zzz I wasn't talking about newsxml, I'm saying it's not live on postman
eyedeekay I've been defaulting to my opentracker, I'll put them on postman too though
zlatinb yes please
zlatinb we need visibility on the # of downloads in order to catch problems with the auto-update
eyedeekay OK here it is
zzz without a 'real' tracker and a link to the real tracker in the tr param of the magnet link in newsxml, you're relying on DHT
zzz which doesn't work well or at all if snark has been off for 3 months
zzz well, correction, opentracker is sufficient
eyedeekay I thought so I do have it in the tr= parameter too
eyedeekay But I'll do postman torrents for stats/monitoring too from now on
zzz if postman is in the a tr param, then you have to upload it to postman for that to work ofc
eyedeekay Also feed is up to date with my torrent now so whenever you're ready eche|off
eyedeekay Yeah I've got postman and my open tracker listed in the magnet link
zzz otherwise everybody is just banging on postman and getting rejected
zzz also ofc postman gives everybody the ability to see that the update is working, and will give you a count of your userbase
zlatinb eche|on eche|off: ping, can you update your news feed
zlatinb and article for the main feed - who wants to write it?
zlatinb hmm that should have happened in the reverse order
eche|on did git update newsfeed and build and put online again
eyedeekay I can write it still, I'll just re-use the blog announcement if that's ok
eche|on somehow my news feed was dead some time now
eche|on strange
zlatinb thanks. You may need to do it again eche|on after eyedeekay does the main feed entry, sorry I didn't coordinate it correctly
eyedeekay Main entries.html checked in, ready to rebuild
zlatinb eche|on: pls flippa da switch again
eche|on ok, apllied
zlatinb LS must not be visible yet
zlatinb ok the main feed is live, although the title says update to 1.5.1
eyedeekay Oops, one more time
eche|on hm, ok
zlatinb not having luck with the mac news, did you update /mac/stable and /windows/beta too?
zlatinb nvm, worked
zlatinb eyedeekay: pls check on windows and we can close this
eyedeekay Looks like I have downloaders
zlatinb but do you see news on ech's server?
zlatinb you would have downloaders from the backup news server
eyedeekay Crap I'm 429ing on ech's server
zlatinb eche|on: why would that be the case?
eche|on maybe fetched to often?
eyedeekay Yeah I refreshed at the wrong time, problem is me
zlatinb pls confirm if/when it fetches
zlatinb I'm looking at timestamps :)
eche|on web console says no news
eche|on but thats intended for deb installs, or?
zlatinb it's intended for everyone, different news for the easy-install bundles but everyone needs to see the news
eche|on hm, no
eche|on Feb 21, 2022 1.7.0 Released is latest news entry
zlatinb interesting I saw it, wonder if it went to the backup one
eche|on and still no way to check a .su3 file for correct content
eche|on except live net
eche|on no idea, I did git fetch, build news, remove old ones, start
eche|on but build ,xml files do contain the entry
eche|on so .su3 shoulkd contain it, to
eyedeekay Try moving the ./build directory out of the way and building/signing again
eche|on ok, done now
eche|on shows correct
zlatinb thx, eyedeekay on your side?
eyedeekay News last updated 10 min ago. News last checked 36 sec ago.
eyedeekay Looks good to me
zlatinb Ok so we're done. I can't think of anything else.
eyedeekay Yeah that should be everything for the update