IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
anonymousmaybe i2p over tor worked
anonymousmaybe need some more time to connect
anonymousmaybe socks5 + onion reseeding sound good idea
anonymousmaybe anyway thanks eyedeekay and zzz for the help
anonymousmaybe ah now i get it
itsjustme hey anonymousmaybe :)
anonymousmaybe itsjustme hi
anonymousmaybe Advanced I2P Configuration changed its place?
anonymousmaybe in one of my machines i see it in /home/user/.i2p/router.config
anonymousmaybe newly installed I2P is located in /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/router.config
anonymousmaybe seems to be one in user space and one in root?
eche|on Irc2PGuest562: anonymousmaybe - no, those paths has always been that way since i2p uses ~/.i2p for "run as user" and /var/lib/i2p/ for run as service
tony Anyone how to check firewall settings in a docker setup?
tony Can anyone help with the firewall setup on a docker install?
eche|on no idea about docker at all
eche|on there is a docker setup in git, or some hints to it IMHO
tony eyedeekay seemed to know about it
tony Yeah I've been all over the setup doco.
zlatinb tony: basically you want to expose the ports you need and open the "i2np" port in your firewall if you want I2P to receive incoming connections, both tcp and udp
zlatinb but how to point that port to the docker image I don't know, sorry
zlatinb s/image/container/
tony I2P is working but is that the network is firewalled but I do not have a firewall running anywhere.
zlatinb are you using docker-compose or just docker run?
eche|on firewalled = port is not reachable via IPv4/IPv6 from other i2p nodes via TCP/UDP
eche|on mak sure those are reachable for anyone outside
tony just docker run
zlatinb try passing "--network host", this will bind the ports to the host interface
zlatinb but that will also open a few other ports which you may not want open to the outside
tony How do I pass --network host exactly
zlatinb something like this should do:
tony Is it on the docker run command line
zlatinb docker run --network host <.. other options ..> i2p:latest
zlatinb skip all the "-p" options, they're not compatible with network host
zlatinb but again I don't think this is very wise to do in production unless you just want a quick try of i2p
tony so I intend to leave service running. What is a "wise" setup for UDP port
zlatinb so ideally you want to publish only the ports that you will actually use and only to localhost except for the I2NP port (default to 12345) which should be visible to the internet
anonymousmaybe eche|on i see, thanks
zlatinb I'm reading the tutorials as I go, but I think the solution is to create a custom "bridge" network just for i2p
anonymousmaybe btw i want to ask, is it bad idea if the HTTP tunnel network interface connecting to local IP instead of
zlatinb docker network create i2p-net
anonymousmaybe Network Interface or Access Point*
anonymousmaybe cc zzz eyedeekay ^
anonymousmaybe trying to make I2P working in TorBrowser
anonymousmaybe i have succeeded doing that, maybe we can add that to i2p browser configurations
anonymousmaybe but the problem im facing like this:
anonymousmaybe because now see the conflict:
anonymousmaybe I2P router interface listening on
anonymousmaybe TB by default doesnt deny proxying
anonymousmaybe I2P refuse to connect to the I2P router interface from TB if is proxied
anonymousmaybe deny proxy to localhost and
anonymousmaybe I2P router interface worked!
anonymousmaybe now I2P eepsite tunnel which allow to connect to I2P websites listening on
anonymousmaybe Since we denied the proxiability of, Tunnel wont sense that we are trying to visit an eepsite like zzz.i2p because is denied to be proxied
anonymousmaybe to fix this issue: change I2P eepsite tunnel from listening on to local machine IP like 10.x.x.x (qubes machine ip)
anonymousmaybe another question how to change default IP:Port for I2P router interface? (instead of
anonymousmaybe found it /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/clients.config.d/00-net.i2p.router.web.RouterConsoleRunner-clients.config
zlatinb tony: I need to afk in a few minutes but I think the way to do is -p -p <external ip>:54321:12345 -p <external iop>:54321:12345/udp
zlatinb that way 7657 (router console) will only be visible to local host
zlatinb where 54321 is something random > 1024
anonymousmaybe zlatinb how are you
anonymousmaybe i want to ask you how to change i2p router IP from to lets say any idea?
anonymousmaybe seems has no effect /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/clients.config.d/00-net.i2p.router.web.RouterConsoleRunner-clients.config
anonymousmaybe cc eyedeekay zzz
anonymousmaybe seems to be this is a missing feature
anonymousmaybe dr|z3d any clue?
anonymousmaybe @eyedeekay i figured way to make TB working with I2P + Tor
anonymousmaybe i mean the same browser user can enter with it eepsites and onion services
anonymousmaybe not the best choice for perfect anonymity because I2P for example doesnt support stream isolation but for surely better than using firefox/chromium
anonymousmaybe this is I2P and its usage with whonix, hope you find it useful (any improvements welcomed)
term99 Thanks for the info anonymousmaybe