IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
` Someone pinging my RetroShare address for several days..
` =\
` Xeha, do you have "735E57E5A338A254" (search ID) as friend?
Xeha `: i do, why?
` Xeha, IDK he is from I2P-proxy or as I2P-server. Do you know?
` My "Discovery" is off.
` And he doesn't respond to PM.
Xeha 2 nodes. one with working inbound, but rarely online. the other node is outbound only but almost 24/7
Xeha you can turn on discovery, aslong as you are in hidden mode
` Xeha, and which "735E57E5A338A254" from where?
` This is node ID.
Xeha no, thats gpg fingerprint
Xeha node ID are like 66d4f392ba8d353b7a56f52825d217ea (his outbound only)
` > you can turn on discovery, aslong as you are in hidden mode
` I don't want to share my "friendlist".
` Xeha, aha, yes, you are right.
Xeha its fine, discovery is broken in tor/i2p anyway
` Just as "66d4f392ba8d353b7a56f52825d217ea" don't search.
Xeha when Unix (the one above), connects to me, he never shares his dest automatically
Xeha theres many with working inbound, but never paste their certs. so they mostly end up outbound only
Xeha which is fine with me, less resources wasted trying to connect to them :)
` Xeha, so "6d4f392ba8d353b7a56f52825d217ea" has I2P-proxy or I2P-"server"?
` If you know address.
Xeha unknown, its i2p inbound
` :(
` Okay.
Xeha no cert shared, INVALID_IP
Xeha direct messages are terrible in RS...
Xeha they end up on all my workspaces in the background
Xeha i almost always miss them
Xeha while your at it, also disable serviceinfo and rtt in permissions ;)
` > direct messages are terrible in RS...
` Yes, so many lost messages...
Xeha its just a UI problem, i like that it actually builds a tunnel end-to-end :)
` Xeha, already disabled serviceinfo.
` RTT maybe have sense, maybe..
` For "optimization" priority of connections..
Xeha dosnt make sense
` Hm, OK.
Xeha when you fetch something from a "friend" 2 hops away, you build tunnels with each friend you have who can also reach the "friend". you end up with more tunnels and therefor more troughput
` Xeha, your "disc" permission is disabled? My is disabled.
Xeha dosnt have to be a "friend" of course, any far connection
Xeha it is, its broken in hiddenmode
Xeha once its starts working for hidden dest, i might turn it on
` Xeha, and "Bandwidth_ctrl" permission have a sense? What is will be disabled? If you know.
Xeha i tried without it, it works just as fine too
Xeha but you lose all statistics of whom you send what amount of traffic
Xeha so i left it on
` Oh, nice.