IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Arch @` yes via i2p
Arch @` Can I post my cert here?
` Arch, of course. Xeha can publish your cert (look topic url).
Arch ABDNwxoRjsbL6YFdemRSQbB0AxSEJOkxstccMyLn1gBr3RXAG2zxlwEEQXJjaJBCAAAABAUhYXB4MndmYnRyN25qM2FzdnhoZWk1cXdnZ24ycDVreXo0b3BlcHdyNXkzYmw2a3pmcDJzYS5iMzIuaTJwkwYBAAB/iukEA7H51g==
` I added, online.
` I2P I am
Arch ah I see
` Arch, I am leaving soon (IRL). I recommend to look (and subscribe) I2P forums and post your certi (via Right Button Mouse).
` And look "Retroshare I2P Users" chat room.
Arch I will, thank you
` Arch, If I only one your friend - don't worry (I go to offline, but will back). Coming soon Xeha will help, maybe i2puser (да?) and other from RetroShare Chat Rooms (your messages received).
i2puser I did add Arch already
` OK
Xeha Arch: did you configure your i2p inbound? Inbound connections fail to you.
Xeha you can test it yourself with: https_proxy=127.1:4444 curl -vk apx2wfbtr7nj3asvxhei5qwggn2p5kyz4opepwr5y3bl6kzfp2sa.b32.i2p:1313
Xeha you should see a issuer with CN: <YourNodeID>
Xeha if you used the automatic bob/sam, dont its terribly broken.
Xeha if you use java-i2p, remove connection limits and accept its slow too
Arch ~Xeha sorry my pc restarted (I hate you windows update) and I didn't notice
Arch It should be working now
Xeha winblows? :(
Xeha nope, you arent reachable. How did you configure RS?
Xeha you can use the command above to test. if its not working for you locally then its obviously wrong
Arch ~Xeha let me try some things, I have a weird configuration here
Xeha you didnt use automatic I2P with BOB/SAM in RS, did you?
Arch according to the client it says "I2P incoming ok" but something is wrong
Xeha the b32 does match to what you've set? the port too in the tunnel config?
Arch I think I got it working, I see you online Xeha
Xeha no, only outbound. inbound is wrong
Arch Xeha: is your connection to me apx2wfbtr7nj3asvxhei5qwggn2p5kyz4opepwr5y3bl6kzfp2sa.b32.i2p port 1313
Xeha yes, thats part of your cert and the command posted
Arch when I change the port as a test to something else it then fails
Xeha you need to set port 1313 in RS, then in the i2p config set as destination
Xeha it must be, RS only listens on localhost in hidden mode
Xeha if you do a curl on 127.1:1313, do you see RS?
Arch I had a typo in my ssh tunnel
Xeha uh what?
Arch is it working now?
Xeha you can check yourself...
Xeha curl -vk 127.1:1313 for local RS
Xeha and the other command via i2p
Xeha hint: no it dosnt
Arch via http
Arch * Connection #0 to host 127.1 left intact
Arch here's my new working cert
Arch ABDNwxoRjsbL6YFdemRSQbB0AxSEJOkxstccMyLn1gBr3RXAG2zxlwEEQXJjaJBCAAAABAUhYXB4MndmYnRyN25qM2FzdnhoZWk1cXdnZ24ycDVreXo0b3BlcHdyNXkzYmw2a3pmcDJzYS5iMzIuaTJwkwYBAAB/HoQEA4i0mA==
Arch Well I now have 37 friends on RS