IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Darkdik RetroShare sounds fucking amazing!
Darkdik There's even RetroChess xD
` RetroChess as plugin.
Darkdik Plugins sound dangerous
Darkdik Is chatting E2EE, too?
Darkdik It says that mail is, but not for messages
Darkdik At least on the home page
Xeha direct chat to people? yes
Xeha there's also group chats
Darkdik So if I message someone and give them government secrets(as an example) - we safe?
Xeha i'd recommend you create a unlinked/anonymous identity in RS before that, so the other person wont know from which node it is
Darkdik Oh like a separate tunnel?
Darkdik Like the web-site recommends?
Xeha no, you get a identity with your node. but that one is obviously linked
Xeha you can have multiple identities. theres also unlinked/anonymous ones (not signed by your node GPG key)
Xeha those become "distant identities" for others, they wont know on which node the identity is on
Darkdik Obviously. So like a Guard relay in Tor circuits that remains the same for a longs time?
Darkdik That is great
Darkdik Is there some documentation or something like that?
Darkdik on that
Darkdik I'd like to know more.. I'd rather secure myself, then do shit, as opposed to doing shit and being stupid, then learning of your mistakes in prison or something xD
Darkdik Wtf, a retroshare link??
Darkdik But that's I2P specific, no?
Darkdik You were talking about RetroShar?
Xeha yes
Xeha WE were talking about retroshare :D
Darkdik Does I2P not have such things?
Darkdik I know ;(
` I2P is router.
Xeha in i2p you can create server/client tunnels
Xeha when you install RS, i recommend you dont use the automatic SAM/BOB variant
Xeha and dont use java i2p, its slow and painful :D
Xeha RS can use clearnet, Tor or I2P as transport. With a bit of hacks even other networks
Xeha The winblows RS even bundles tor by default AFAIK (cant confirm)
Darkdik I use C++
Darkdik I do not use spyware
Darkdik No matter what software you use on Spysoft Shit-wins - you cannot be secure
Darkdik The "hacks" worry me a little
Xeha no, SAM/BOB < i2p APIs
Xeha when you configure RS for hidden service, you can either create the server tunnel manually (preferable) or with that shitty and broken automatic one
Xeha i dont have winblows
Darkdik And the shitty and broken automatic ones are - SAM/BOB ?
Darkdik The APIs
Xeha no, the RS implementation that is using them is broken/sucks
Xeha hence -> configure your hidden host manually
Darkdik Is that auto-thing ON by default?
Darkdik If not - I just won't enable it and create my shit manually (prefered - you get to know more, and knowledge is mostly good to have)
Xeha when creating RS node, choose manual hidden
Darkdik Thanks
Darkdik > RetroShare birngs two ways fo transferring files: * direct file transfers from your friends * distant anonymous tunneled transfers
Darkdik So the 1st option is dangerous - not anonymous?
Darkdik Since in the 2nd option anonymity is exclusively specified?
Darkdik > <Xeha> you can have multiple identities. theres also unlinked/anonymous ones (not signed by your node GPG key)
Darkdik <Xeha> those become "distant identities" for others, they wont know on which node the identity is on
Darkdik I guess this
Xeha direct file transfer are faster. so if people dont know who you are on RS; its fine. all they see is that YOU are downloading X file from them
Darkdik But if it is something illegal - gov can get you
Darkdik Correct?
Darkdik Or do you mean directly peer-to-a-peer instead of going trough other peers? 0.o