IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
садовая_голова один обещает попробовать сделать , неясно сольётся или нет
Vort садовая_голова: так уже один чел делал фаззинг. до сих пор PR с исправлениями не влитый )
orignal это о чем вообще?
Vort о поиске багов
orignal чего тебе?
` orignal, он узнал страшную тайну - в tunnels.conf можно генерировать несколько АУТПРОКСИ #АСУЖДАЮ.
` а думал, что только в i2pd.conf
Anonymous orignal, R4SAS weko says that one can do say quantity=3 in tunnels.conf but only for an outproxy. I was wondering if one can do say a tunnel.conf config with a and if not, can you make this?
orignal в лобом прокси тоннеле разумеется
Anonymous so for now this can mean total 3 hops, but for ALL clearnet/Tor links, not for 1 link which would in this case be
orignal you can set length and quantity in any tunnel
weko Он достал меня уже
` Это что за пиндосский плаз
` лол
Anonymous by default it's 6 hops if the outproxy sets hops to 0
Anonymous orignal, even for clearnet sites?
Anonymous non-i2p?
Anonymous the destination I mean
orignal what are you talking about?
Anonymous okay so imagine you play a game, okay?
weko `: да он не плаз
orignal what is clearnet destination?
Anonymous on a clearnet server trough a outproxy
orignal это другой известный клоун
Anonymous so tunnel.quantity is 6, right?
Anonymous orignal, for example
orignal 5 by default
` weko, плаз не умеет в такой инглиш. Я пишу, что это пиндосский плаз, #АНАЛогоффнетный
orignal 5 tunnels
Anonymous 0.o okay
orignal with legth 3
Anonymous say if you want less
Anonymous but you want less just for
orignal I don't understand what you are talking about
Anonymous you cannot do it, right?
orignal you need a server tunnel to
Anonymous weko, can you please explain in Russian?
Anonymous You understand weko, right?
orignal weko че он спрашивает?
Vort я что-то тоже ничего не пойму
Anonymous so we can do quantity=1 or something like that
Anonymous outproxy means ~100% boost in speed because 0 hops, right?
Anonymous but what if we could do >100% boost in speed?
Anonymous Lower hops on YOUR side?
Vort Anonymous: do you mean access with browser ?
weko orignal: хочет обычный туннель с аутпрокси
Anonymous but for only (for example)
Anonymous Vort, no
Anonymous I am talking in theory if say I was playing a Minecraft game on a clearnet server over some outproxy
Anonymous I am talking about speed and posiblities right now
Vort Anonymous: make several proxies
orignal inbound.length = 2
orignal outbound.length = 2
orignal inbound.quantity = 5
orignal outbound.quantity = 5
orignal for this IRC server
orignal weko так клиннский или серверный?
Anonymous weko said we can do outproxy-specific tunnel.conf settings, but this is for all outproxy traffic, not just for
Anonymous orignal, but this IRC server is on I2P, not clearnet
Vort Anonymous: make for example 3 proxies: with 1 hop, with 2 hops, with 3 hops. And use whatever you need this time
orignal what is "out[roxy-specific"
weko orignal: клиентский
orignal you can't connect to a clearnet destination
orignal и че ему надо?
Anonymous orignal, I meant tunnels.conf entry for outproxy
Anonymous you can trough outproxy
Vort короче он хочет чтобы в зависимости от адреса клирнет сайта было разное количество хопов
orignal there is no such entry
Anonymous but cannot use it in tunnels.conf
weko Ему надо туннель чтобы подключаться на ip:port, и чтобы через аутпрокси шло в клирнет
Anonymous weko lied? :(
Vort я хз точно как тут аутпрокси работают, так что не подскажу
orignal outproxy exists for httpproxy tunnel only
weko Anonymous: maybe misunderstood
orignal httpproxy is a special client tunnel
Anonymous so wouldn't work for Minecraft
orignal yes you can specifiy paramaters
orignal also for socksproxy
Anonymous wait, outproxies can only be used for http?
orignal but it doesn;t work through Tor
orignal because socks5 is not implemneted
Vort it is possible to route traffic through proxy manually
orignal for http and socks4 for socks
Anonymous or only http but in tunnels.conf?
Vort with Proxifier or something like that
weko [18:24:20] <Vort> with Proxifier or something like that
orignal you can create spearate [httpproxy] tunnel
weko ip:port -> proxy+ip:port
Anonymous this is too much for my little brain and my eyes :D
Anonymous weko, that for Proxifier or something
Anonymous well I plan to do (if I get better) a router with IP rules to be 100% I2P
Anonymous so i wouldn't need a proxy, right?
weko You so annoying
Anonymous I am just hyperactive when it comes to learning, weko
Anonymous I am sorry you are just not compatible with me
weko Anonymous: ye I understand
Anonymous :) especially when I don't have much time.. it's like waiting for someone to open the door so I can start sprinting or something, for me
Anonymous time I mean health
weko Anonymous: so. You need to create tunnel to outproxy in tunnels.conf, then use some software for tunnel ip:port to proxy+ip:port
weko Like -> with proxy, and go traffic to outproxy with tunnels.conf tunnel
Anonymous can you do localhost
Anonymous in destinations
Anonymous weko, exactly what I meant
weko So, I forgot name for some software doing this
Anonymous iptables xD
weko Maybe iptables can
Anonymous It's a little confusing but I get the jist of what you mean
Anonymous that's why I said I'll do a router with I2P
Anonymous router will router ports to ports to shit
Anonymous So clearnet IP cannot leak :-)
Anonymous no praying if software is good with proxying and if torsocks does things right
weko Only if game will send your IP lol
Anonymous cannot happen
Anonymous all goes trough I2P
Anonymous game is on computer
Anonymous computer is before router (on which I2P is)
weko Okay
Anonymous internet <-> modem <-> router with I2P <-> computers with viruses and IP leaks lol
Anonymous Opax does this
Anonymous It's easy I think
Anonymous Sorry this is for #en
Anonymous also you can do outproxy length changes in i2pd.conf, not tunnels.conf, weko, I think
Anonymous It says in an i2pd.conf comment
Anonymous > ## httpproxy section also accepts I2CP parameters, like "inbound.length" etc.
Anonymous You mentioned something similar
hypn orignal: а с жавой точно интероперабелен? постман ирц странно себя ведёт, не шлёт ирц байты
hypn нада жаву поднять на других портах
hypn через неё попробовать зайти
orignal чего не щлет?
orignal а как же я то там сижу тогда?
hypn ща хочу жаву счекаутить
hypn хочу оживлять знания жавы
orignal нынче наоборот плюсы в тренде
hypn так у меня формальный опыт только с qt и wx
hypn с крестами
hypn вапщет на этом опыте я могу выехать в цпп разрабы
orignal только qt он без шаблонов
hypn да
hypn ещё там windows app был с COM
hypn фиксал
orignal соввременый C++ почти целиком шаблоны