IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d thanks, orignal. as you've read, nothing to do with I2P+.
dr|z3d what we'd ideally have is a single LS on a dest, with DSA-SHA1 retired, and an automated method to revoke the DSA LS.
dr|z3d is it possible? I don't know. could one dest forward requests to another dest transparently, with some authentication between dest 1 and 2?
dr|z3d and why does the old (DSA) dest require the same number of leases as the new dest? seems wasteful. if I own DSA dest, I should be able to do the equivalent of a 301 and the client should update their addressbook.
dr|z3d and at a time of my choosing I should be able to shutdown the DSA dest and have the EdDSA dest persist, when I'm confident clients have updated.
orignal zzz so what do you do by timer?
orignal and more important wht do you do it in case of postman?
zzz double LS issue fixed, 6 hours for a one-line change
orignal now tell me in which case you do it
zzz I verified that we are sending the right LS in any case, so it's a harmless bug, I'm not even going to ask postman to test it
zzz it was sending the wrong LS with a ratchet-layer ack after an ack request was received
orignal ack request
orignal but what you do with timer?
zzz I set the timer when I receive an ack request; if the client doesn't respond sooner, the timer sends a ratchet-layer ack
orignal how long?
orignal so you receive ack request
orignal but you don't reposnd because nobody send data
zzz timer is 1 second
zzz client sends streaming ack + LS + ratchet ack request
zzz server streaming doesn't respond, because it was just a streaming ack
zzz server sends ratchet ack 1 sec later
orignal server waits if server app sends something, right?
orignal if not then after 1 sec
zzz if server streaming replies before 1 sec, the ack timer doesn't do anything
orignal thanks. will implement the same
orignal but it's not postman's case because irc always sends heartbeats
zzz surprised you don't do that now, section about it in the spec: i2p-projekt.i2p/spec/ecies#protocol-layer-responses
orignal I forgot )))
orignal to implement it
zzz yeah, irc sends heartbeats but not very often, so the ratchet acks help
orignal m_AckRequests.push_back ({receiveTagset->GetTagSetID (), index});
orignal that's all I so upon receive Ack request
zzz it's also important to set a timer for the handshake, because if streaming is dropping everything because the dest is banned, at least you'll get spammed with symmetric crypto ))
orignal yes time to do it
orignal I'm confused
orignal when you receive an ack request how do you know where to send response to?
orignal you know your peer though SYN streaming packet or repliable datagram
orignal in general you don't know
orignal that's why I don't have it
zzz orignal, for outbound of course you know. for inbound:
zzz pull the LS out of any database store msg you see in a clove, if the EC pubkey matches the static key in the handshake, store the dest with the session
zzz until you find it, you can't do a ratchet-layer ack
orignal yes I mean if I'm a server
orignal don't you think it's against protocols model?
orignal racthets should know nothing about transports
orignal yes I know I can fin dby static key
zzz it's a little messy, yes. We had this discussion in 2019. But it works well
orignal I would prefer to do it in streams and datagrams
orignal but I2CP
zzz well, you could have streaming tell ratchet who it is
zzz but the static key in the noise handshake proves it
zzz there's a lot of stuff in ratchet that isn't perfect. I think we listened to str4d too much ))
zzz but that's the good thing about IK, you know who Alice is right away
orignal in streaming I can state of ractchet session and if somthing need to be sent I will send an empty message
orignal that's how I do for datagrams
zzz right, "ratchet ack" == no garlic clove blocks
orignal that's my idea
orignal but I don't know what to do with I2CP
zzz yeah I couldn't see any other way to do it
zzz out of all the changes and protocols we've done in 8 years, the only one I'm < 99% happy with is ratchet
orignal nevermind I know remote destination
orignal even for I2CP
orignal for handshake true I need to lookup
orignal for leaaseset
orignal will check